

1. Reading Assignments and Video Assignments

The course schedule includes readings from the course textbooks and/or other resources. This information will be available at least two days before the lecture. The goal of the reading and/or video assignments is to prepare for class, to familiarize yourself with new terminology and definitions, and to determine which part of the subject needs more attention.

Each session may have a short quiz at the beginning which covers the assigned reading for that session which will be graded.

2. Quiz and Exercises

A session will have the following pedagogy layout which will be repeated around three times: approx. 15 minutes of live online instruction followed by approx 15 minutes of Q/A and/or Quiz and/or Exercises on the edStem platform. The level of paritcipation and correctness on these exercises will be graded.

3. Homeworks

There are three graded homework assignments. The assignments will be submitted in pairs. Both students must contribute equally to the assignment! Assignments must be submitted as Jupyter notebooks. The notebooks must run to completion in a reasonable amount of time.

Please refer to the schedule for homework release and due dates for more information

4. Final Project

There will be a final project during week 5 which will be graded. Students will work in groups of four and will select a topic from two advanced topics and accompanying references, provided beforehand. This implies that the students must learn and understand the new method, implement it in Python, and interpret the results in the context of the material learned during the duration of the course.



1. Quiz and Exercises

The quiz and exercises on the edStem platform will be graded based on the following:

2. Homeworks

Homework will be graded based on the following:

Homework Grading Scale: 1-5

3. Project

The Final Project will be graded based on the following:

Homework Grading Scale: 1-5


Getting Help

For questions about homework, course content, package installation, after you have tried to troubleshoot yourselves, the process to get help is:

Quoting Sources

You must acknowledge any source code that was not written by you by mentioning the original author(s) directly in your source code (comment or header). You can also acknowledge sources in a README.txt file if you used whole classes or libraries. Do not remove any original copyright notices and headers.

You are encouraged to use libraries, unless explicitly stated otherwise! You may use examples you find on the web as a starting point, provided their licenses allow you to re-use it. You must quote the source using proper citations (author, title, URL) both in the source code and in any publicly visible material.

Collaboration Policy

Deadlines and Late Days

Homeworks must be turned in on time. You can have upto 2 late days across the module, with no more than 1 late day on any homework. No late days on the final project.

Exceptions: No exceptions, except for illness, with a doctor’s certificate.


Ethical behavior is an important trait, from ethically handling data to the attribution of code and work of others. Thus, in this session we give a strong emphasis to Academic Honesty.

As a student, your best guidelines are to be reasonable and fair. We encourage teamwork for problem sets, but you should not split the homework and you should work on all the problems together.

We have included some ideas below of acceptable and not acceptable behaviors. Engaging in not acceptable behavior regarding academic honesty will be handled accordingly.

Please be responsible and when in doubt ask the course instructors.




We actively seek and welcome people of diverse identities, from across the spectrum of disciplines and methods since Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly mediates our social, cultural, economic, and political interactions [1].

We believe in creating and maintaining an inclusive learning environment where all members feel safe, respected, and capable of producing their best work.

We commit to an experience for all participants that is free from – Harassment, bullying, and discrimination which includes but is not limited to:


[1] K. Stathoulopoulos and J. C. Mateos-Garcia, “Gender Diversity in AI Research,” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2019 [Online]. Available: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3428240.
